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RecyClass certifies that the plastic recycling processes for pre-consumer and post-consumer waste that take place at the plant are carried out correctly and that the guidelines contained in the Recycling Process Conformity Assessment Scheme are followed. 

SOMEX® rLDPE Light gray

22 January, 2021

High-quality recycled low-density polyethylene regranulate - SOMEX® rLDPE Light gray

SOMEX® rLDPE Light gray offers excellent thermal stability, mechanical properties, and chemical resistance, making it ideal for a wide range of applications across various industries.

High-quality regranulate - our factory supplies injection-grade rlldpe regranulates that meet the highest standards, tailored to the needs of different sectors.

Certification - all of our produced regranulates are certified by EuCertPlast and RecyClass, ensuring compliance with the highest standards.


Country of origin


Granule size

2 - 5 mm

Volume available

60 MT per month


Big bags do 1200 kg

Mesh size during

No 100 - 120




EuCertPlast, RecyClass


MFI 190°C/2,16 kg 

0,5 g/10min

MFI 190°C/5,00 kg 

1,9 g/10min


0,9 - 091 g/cm3

Chalk content


Melting temperature

160 - 170 °C

Other impurities
(metal, glass, wood)


(laser sieve)

100 - 120 µm 

RecyClass certifies that the plastic recycling processes for pre-consumer and post-consumer waste that take place at the plant are carried out correctly and that the guidelines contained in the Recycling Process Conformity Assessment Scheme are followed. 

Choose SOMEX®

  • We provide reliability and certainty on the plastics market recycled plastics;

  • We provide consistently high-quality recycled materials and regular deliveries;

  • We obtain specific types of material to make regranulate to individual customer order;

  • We control the quality of the material we deliver;

  • We take samples in accordance with standards to ensure that laboratory tests reflect the actual quality expected by the recipient of our material;

  • Our dedicated testing laboratory conducts a number of tests to verify quality and continuous technical assessments to ensure that the recipient receives the right product. 

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We produce regranulates: